Здесь несколько инструкций (из собственного опыта) по созданию довольно реалистичных (на сколько это возможно) деревьев: coconut-palm, birch, maple, bonsai-pine, fur tree, cupress, pine, poplar, tree-stump.

Усовершенствованная  Лаборатория  Деревьев в версии Bryce5.01 позволяет сохранять созданные деревья в специальную библиотеку в формате .bto. Для открытия библиотеки - кликаете по иконке "Create Tree", удерживая Alt; для сохранения нового дерева в библиотеку - кликаете по иконке "Create Tree", удерживая Ctrl Alt; ZIPы    с    файлами   .bto разархивируйте в  Program Files/Corel/Bryce 5/Presets/Trees.

You can download some Bryce tree presets (.bto) here (you ought to have Bryce 5.01 for using them.) They are in ZIP-files. Extract them into  Program Files/Corel/Bryce 5/Presets/Trees. To open Trees Library: Alt and click on the "Create Tree" icon; to save a new tree (if you made your own trees): Ctrl Alt and click on the "Create Tree" icon.
       Note: may be you'll need to correct foliage material.

Сосна в стиле бонсаи (Bonsai-pine)


Distribution: 10

Branches Per Segment: 1/1

Segments: 10/11

Branch Start Angle: 100

Branch End Angle: 90

Trunk Thikness: 2/40

Branch Thikness: 70/77

Lab Tree - creating a bonsai-pine


Shape: Austrian Pine

Gravity: 12

Randomness: 85


Shape: Austrian Pine

Scale: 6

Number of Leaves: 4

Distribution: Bunched

 DOWNLOAD Bonsai-Pine.bto (zip)

Кокосовая пальма (Coconut palm)


Distribution: 100

Branches Per Segment: 3/5

Segments: 3/5

Branch Start Angle: 150

Branch End Angle: 50

Trunk Thikness: 1/55

Branch Thikness: 47/52

Lab Tree - creating a coconut palm


Shape: Coconut Palm

Gravity: 12

Randomness: 49


Shape: Coconut Palm

Scale: 19

Number of Leaves: 2

Distribution: Spiral

Береза (Birch)


Distribution: 16

Branches Per Segment: 1/4

Segments: 10/10

Branch Start Angle: 65

Branch End Angle: 111

Trunk Thikness: 2/40

Branch Thikness: 50/70

Lab Tree - creating a birch


Shape: Birch

Gravity: 100

Randomness: 30


Shape: Birch

Scale: 2

Number of Leaves: 5

Distribution: Spiral

 DOWNLOAD Birch.bto (zip)

Клён (Maple)


Distribution: 31

Branches Per Segment: 1/4

Segments: 5/19

Branch Start Angle: 55

Branch End Angle: 95

Trunk Thikness: 2/45

Branch Thikness: 59/85

Lab Tree - creating a maple


Shape: Sugar Maple

Gravity: 79

Randomness: 45


Shape: Sugar Maple

Scale: 4

Number of Leaves: 5

Distribution: Spiral

Ёлка (Fur tree)


Distribution: 10

Branches Per Segment: 2/14

Segments: 11/14

Branch Start Angle: 90

Branch End Angle: 30

Trunk Thikness: 2/30

Branch Thikness: 70/70

Lab Tree - creating a fur tree


Shape: Fur Tree

Gravity: 78

Randomness: 0


Shape: Fur Tree

Scale: 2

Number of Leaves: 5

Distribution: Spiral

Кипарис (Cypress)


Distribution: 12

Branches Per Segment: 3/8

Segments: 10/13

Branch Start Angle: 52

Branch End Angle: 100

Trunk Thikness: 1/30

Branch Thikness: 53/100

Lab Tree - creating a cypress


Shape: Italian Cypress

Gravity: 4

Randomness: 17


Shape: Italian Cypress

Scale: 2

Number of Leaves: 20

Distribution: Spiral

 DOWNLOAD Cypress.bto (zip)

Сосна (Pine)


Distribution: 15

Branches Per Segment: 1/3

Segments: 10/10

Branch Start Angle: 131

Branch End Angle: 136

Trunk Thikness: 2/40

Branch Thikness: 50/50

Lab Tree - creating a pine


Shape: Poplar

Gravity: 45

Randomness: 65


Shape: Scotts Pine

Scale: 2

Number of Leaves: 3

Distribution: Spiral

 DOWNLOAD Pine.bto (zip)

Тополь (Poplar)


Distribution: 7

Branches Per Segment: 1/2

Segments: 10/10

Branch Start Angle: 105

Branch End Angle: 112

Trunk Thikness: 2/25

Branch Thikness: 53/60

Lab Tree - creating a poplar


Shape: Poplar

Gravity: 30

Randomness: 45


Shape: Poplar

Scale: 3

Number of Leaves: 8

Distribution: Spiral

 DOWNLOAD Poplar.bto (zip)

Просто пень :) (Tree-stump)


Distribution: 100

Branches Per Segment: 1/1

Segments: 1/1

Branch Start Angle: 90

Branch End Angle: 90

Trunk Thikness: 2/99

Branch Thikness: 70/74

Lab Tree - creating a tree-stump


Shape: Douglas Fir

Gravity: 0

Randomness: 0


Shape: Douglas Fir

Scale: 0

Number of Leaves: 0

Distribution: Spiral

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